Composite-fermion antiparticle description of the hole excitation in a maximum-density droplet with a small number of electrons

TitleComposite-fermion antiparticle description of the hole excitation in a maximum-density droplet with a small number of electrons
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsJeon GS, Guclu AD, Umrigar CJ, Jain JK
JournalPhys. Rev. B
Date PublishedDec

The maximum-density droplet of quantum dots in a high magnetic field, which is a finite-size realization of the state at filling factor 1, becomes unstable to the creation of a central hole (provided it contains a small number of electrons) as the magnetic field is increased or the strength of the confinement potential reduced. The simplest model for the hole is as a vortex at the center, which, however, is renormalized by edge excitations. We show that an accurate description of the actual hole state is achieved in terms of a ``composite-fermion antiparticle,{''} which is surprising in view of the fact that composite fermions are thought to be relevant only in the fractional Hall regime. We extend these considerations to multiple holes in the maximum-density droplet, and also to the quasihole at nu=1/3. The effect of Landau-level mixing is also considered through a diffusion Monte Carlo calculation.
