307 Clark Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
(607) 254-8710
- B.Sc.,1972, Physics and Mathematics, Bombay University. M.Sc.
- 1974, Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Ph.D.
- 1980, Physics, Northwestern University. Post-doctoral Associate, Cornell University, Physics,
- 1981-84. Research Associate, Cornell University, Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering,
- 1984-88. Senior Research Associate, Ohio State University, Physics,
- 1988-89. Research Associate, Cornell University, Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering,
- 1989-1992. Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island, Physics,
- 1992-1995. Consultant, Corning Inc.,
- 2000-2001. Senior Research Associate, Cornell Theory Center,
- 1992-2007. Adjunct Physics Professor, Cornell University, Physics,
- 2004-present. Program committee of the Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods Workshop,
- 1990-present. Fellow of the American Physical Society. Member-at-large, DCOMP, APS, 2006- 2009.