Title | Energy and variance optimization of many-body wave functions |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Umrigar CJ, Filippi C |
Journal | Phys. Rev. Lett. |
Volume | 94 |
Date Published | Apr 22 |
ISSN | 0031-9007 |
Abstract | We present a simple, robust, and efficient method for varying the parameters in a many-body wave function to optimize the expectation value of the energy. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by optimizing the parameters in flexible Jastrow factors that include 3-body electron-electron-nucleus correlation terms for the NO2 and decapentaene (C10H12) molecules. The basic idea is to add terms to the straightforward expression for the Hessian of the energy that have zero expectation value, but that cancel much of the statistical fluctuations for a finite Monte Carlo sample. The method is compared to what is currently the most popular method for optimizing many-body wave functions, namely, minimization of the variance of the local energy. The most efficient wave function is obtained by optimizing a linear combination of the energy and the variance. |
DOI | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.150201 |
Investigating Quantum Monte Carlo, Electronic Structure Theory